Methods for the effective treatment and removal of papillomas: hardware, surgical, medication

the human papillomavirus what is

Papilloma – a benign tumor-like growth on the surface of the skin that occurs because a person is infected with HPV. Scientists and doctors still have not found effective treatment, but has learned to suppress the activity of cells. When ingested oncogenic strains increases the risk of cancer. The best way to prevent the development of a malignant tumor is to get rid of papillomas and complex medical treatment of a qualified physician.

What is dangerous papilloma on the human body

Insidious virus that penetrates the skin imperceptibly at the use of common household items, when shaking hands, sexual contact. The baby becomes infected while passing through the birth canal if the mother has cervical warts. For women lose pelvic dangerous, there are strains of HPV that have a high propensity to cancer. When detected, requires regular monitoring by a doctor.

Papilloma is a genetically modified fabric of the top layer of skin, the epidermis. Education sensitive to any external influence. By friction with a rough cloth or clothing is the anguish and inflammation of the surrounding tissue, risk for secondary infection.

Long stay growths on the body and their regular damage threaten the degeneration into a malignant tumor. Depending on the location (neck, face, foot, hand, finger, buttocks, pubis) metastases differ in the brain, bones, liver, lymphatic system and other organs.

Papillomatosis is dangerous because it tends to grow to cover the body, mucous membranes, throat, tongue, nose, mouth. With the active reproduction of the problem starts with the swallowing, the voice becomes hoarse. If the urethra is affected in men, women with time begins problems with urination, be pain.

Cure HPV forever is impossible, but possible to disarm.

Review of methods of treatment and removal

Modern medicine has reached a high level and have learned to deal with the threat of the manifestation of papilloma virus. Today sick people can live in peace and not worry about the aesthetic appearance of the body and health. Healing is not learned, but any physician will help to translate the disease into a dormant state. The virus is asleep and not damage. Therapy is complex given the strain of the virus. To ascertain the type of help a dermatologist and laboratory diagnosis. The survey of the chosen method of removing problem build-up and antiviral drugs. Options designed a lot, they differ in the method of application and exposure to virus.

Hardware procedures

Medical and dermatological clinics offer some degradation of skin growths of various etiology.

  1. Electronictechnology. Effectively, quite a complex method. The wart is cut off with a loop, which is heated up to red. The removed tissue is sent for histological examination, before cauterizes electrode with ball head. Disadvantages: has a large list of contraindications (pregnancy, elderly and children's age), after burning there remains a small scar.
  2. Cryosurgery. Treatment cold. The diseased skin is exposed to liquid nitrogen. The substance destroys the wart, it darkens, dries in a few days disappears. If the viral growth of large size, with full removal will require several treatments. The method is painless, does not require the use of anesthetics.
  3. Laser. Safe, convenient way to remove warts. The doctor suggests the treatment site beam high temperatures, vaporizes the tumor. Advantage — the lack of contact between infected and healthy skin, which prevents relapses, no trace remains.
  4. removal of papillomas
  5. The radio waves. Involves bloodless removal. Specialist affects the outgrowth of a special tool, from which emanate high-frequency radio waves. They smelted the leg, leaving himself papilla to diagnose. Advantage — a low percentage of relapses, painless.

Described methods are suitable for treating various types of warts on the skin surface. Gyno widely applies them against warts, and struck the perineum. Genital (intimate) human papilloma virus affects the internal organs (cervix), vulva, anus. They are called genital type of warts.


The doctor cuts with a scalpel, a small skin outgrowth. Before beginning the procedure put anesthetic injection to not feel pain and does not interfere with the operation. Anesthesia acts locally.

After 10-14 days, subject to rules of skin care complete healing.

Surgery relevant, if it reached a bigger size or has a flat appearance.

Cosmetic hospital offers these services at affordable prices.

Drug therapy

To quickly, effectively inhibit papilloma virus, you must fight it from the inside. Come to the aid of antiviral agents. They are harmful effect on the cells of the virus, stop its propagation, and improve immunity.

Pharmacy offers a wide range of medicines that are produced in the form of injections, tablets, suppositories. Systemic: the drug is administered to the patient if:

  • infection carries a high cancer status;
  • the body can not withstand viral load;
  • on the body revealed multiple growths.

Contraindications to the appointment: pregnancy, individual intolerance, breastfeeding.

The main reason for the attack is HPV a bad immune system.

The therapeutic scheme is being developed by a doctor. A separate appointment is threatened by health problems.

Ointment warts

To enhance local immunity are special antiviral ointment. They help to papilloma to stimulate protective forces of the skin in the place of their location.

  1. Oxolinic. Be treated long — 2-8 weeks. The composition of this substance is not always completely removes papilloma viral element, but it cannot grow a new one.
  2. Salicylic ointment. Traditional, safe remedy that helps to cleanse the epidermis from various dermatological problems. Salicylic composition soothes, exfoliates and disinfects.

Use strictly according to doctor's prescription.

Folk remedies

a folk remedy against warts

If tablets are or aggressive the technique is contraindicated because of health status, come to the aid of homeopathy and people's councils. It helps to safely get rid of warts without any risk of side effects, which are inherent medicines.

No. 1 Soap (commercial or tar form). Method of application: the outgrowth of papillomas to lather a thick layer and top overlay film and tie with a bandage or cloth. For complete removal of enough 3-4 procedures.

No. 2 Iodine. Antiseptic a point to put on the item with the help of cotton buds. Pre-spot treatment rinse, dry, coat around fat cream. Large warts have to be destroyed for a long time, up to 2 weeks.

No. 3 Celandine. To pick fresh plants, from stalks to squeeze the juice. Gently cauterize them papilloma. If the house is in the city, you can substitute juice for the pharmaceutical preparation with greater celandine in the formulation.

No. 4 Cabbage juice. Cabbage grind, squeeze through cheesecloth. The obtained liquid to lubricate the tumors several times a day. Remove genital warts in the vagina by using tampons soaked in the juice. Enter before sleeping, remove in the morning.

No. 5 Garlic. Head is cleaned, the teeth are cut in half, cut are applied to bumps. Secure with adhesive tape. Change the dressing 3 times a day.

Number 6 Egg. To break the shell that remained on the walls of the protein mass applied to the element. After drying repeat the lubrication, so do several times a day. The wart will disappear in 1-2 weeks.

No. 7 Kalanchoe, dandelion, aloe. From the pressed plant juice is applied on the affected area. Above is a compress.

No. 8 Apple cider vinegar. Moisten a cotton swab, to close the film. Acid detrimental effect on HPV. With strong burning soda removes the acid.

No. 9 Castor oil. Apply a spot under a band-aid. This extract is applied to 4-8 times a day.

No. 10 hydrogen Peroxide. Process several times a day without capturing healthy skin. Hydrogen has a powerful drying effect.

No. 11 Potatoes. To cut a tuber to make a slice to the affected item. Change the bandage several times a day.

Wormwood, calendula, and other herbs enhance the immune system. They should be taken inside in accordance with the recommendations.

The people's home recipe will work if you follow the main condition is the regularity of application.

The probability of relapse and the prognosis of treatment

In the treatment of papillomas, it is important to apply a set of measures. It is not enough to remove surface growths, the disease is inside. To suppress activity of the pathogen, it is necessary to take systemic anti-viral drugs, boost the immune system.

Destructive methods retain the risk of recurrence. During the treatment of infectious element the doctor may touch the healthy skin, to infect her. Infection, reproduction occurs during the recovery period if the patient does not care.

To heal completely is impossible, but possible for many years and decades to forget about HPV, suppressing its activity.

The tumor papillomas — the main symptom of infection of papilloma virus. If left untreated the growths, they will appear again, infecting healthy skin. The spread is fast. He promotes reduced immunity. To restore the health of the skin must undergo complex treatment with application of methods of removal, antiviral, immunomodulatory therapy. Be attentive to health, infection occurs unnoticed in the chain: man — woman, woman — child.